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This photoshoot took place at Balboa Park. I wanted it to look very grassy and forest looking with the trees in the background. I looked up some pictures on Pinterest to get some inspiration. The subject matter was my models which were my parents and my sister. Some pictures were diffused/ soft lighting because throughout the whole photoshoot the sun was coming out and in some, the clouds covered the sun which appeared in diffused/ soft lighting. These pictures were taken when the sun was setting and for the editing process I brightened up some pictures because they were a little dark I also straightened them and cropped some just a little and saturated them just a bit to make the grass look greener. In this photoshoot, I learned to communicate with my models a little more and told them how to pose.

This photo shoot also took place at Balboa Park. I decided to make this photoshoot black and white because I think black and white portraits make it more appealing to the eye, bring out more emotion, and overall make the picture stand out. As we were passing by this spot I saw the wall and thought it was a perfect place to take these because of the art on the wall. With the art and making them black and white were going to make the picture stand out and eye-catching. The subject matter was my model. The lighting was soft/ diffused lighting because the wall was making some shade and one picture had hard/direct lighting because the sun was directly hitting him. I used a 50 mm lens and these pictures were taken around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. For the editing process, I made all my pictures black and white I also cropped and straightened them and made the corners a bit dark to give them a vignette look. I also made the blacks a little darker like his hair and eyebrows and made the shadows a bit more noticeable to give it somewhat of a dramatic effect.

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I was looking through Pinterest and was inspired by some pictures. I wanted it to look mysterious so I placed a door in the middle of the forest, like wondering where the door leads to. I also put a ring around it to make it look like your looking through it. And I left a little opening in the circle because I thought it looked better with it like that instead of the circle being completely closed. 

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For this picture I was inspired by a picture Mrs. Perry showed me. Then I went on google and saw a picture that was a little similar to this one, but the landscape picture were some trees with birds flying over the trees. So, I decided to do a forest with a river because I've always though the forest was a beautiful place. I used a picture that I had taken some time ago and picture of the forest to create this image.


For this image I got inspired by the picture on the tutorial I watched. I thought this picture was perfect for this type of picture because he is facing completely to the side just like the picture I saw which I think made it better than choosing a picture where he was facing straight. I like that it made him look like he is he is back-to-back, and his side profile is reflecting on both sides.


Stephen McMennamy was the inspiration for this photo. I decided to mash up a cupcake
and a pocket watch together because I think that just like a cupcake time is sweet but short. A cupcake is sweet and good, and you enjoy it when you eat it but only for a little because you eventually end up finishing it. Just like time it is sweet, and you enjoy it, but time does not last forever just like a cupcake. It is good but short.

I took this photoshoot at Coronado beach. I wanted to go for a golden hour summer vibe because we were at the beach. I looked up some pictures on Pinterest to get inspiration. The subject matters were of course my models which were my sisters. I wanted to get different types of lighting, front lighting and side lighting. These pictures were taken before sunset and during sunset so I could get that pretty summer sunset look. For the editing process, I used the masking tool to make the sky look a little bluer and I also cropped some pictures and straightened them. I made most of the lighter from their face because some were side lighting, so a side of their face looked a little darker than the side facing the sun. I also smoothed their faces a little with the texture and clarity slider. And I made my sister’s red top pop out more by saturating it and bringing the color out. 

This photoshoot was taken in East Village during senior portraits. I was inspired by looking at senior portraits and by my teacher because she was telling me and showing me the different locations and how to position my subjects. The subject matter was of course the seniors I was taking pictures of. This photoshoot was taken around 10 and ended at about 12. For the editing process I edited everything person's picture differently because of course it was different people and I also edited them by the location. If they were in a location where there was more light then I would underexpose it if I needed to but if it was underexposed then I would overexpose it a little. I also saturated all of them a little because I want the greenery to stand out and to give it a forest type of vibe. Another thing I did was crop some of them and straight most of them. 

This photoshoot took place at San Diego State University. I went with my teacher to a photoshoot. Mrs. Perry inspired me by showing me some pictures she´s taken and by looking at some pictures on google and on Pinterest. This photoshoot was at 4 and ended around 6. The day was cloudy so there was diffused lighting but the sun was also coming out a little. We took some pictures of the turtle and fish pond. She stood on the bridge and she also stood on the pathway of the concrete to make sure we got the pretty purple flowers as the background. After that, we headed over to the pools and took some there because she was on the diver's team for a few years. She sat on the edge of the diver's board and stood beside the pools as well. And I also got some pictures of her and her mom together. And we also took some pictures at the bell tower. For the editing process, I cropped some of them and straightened them. I also made them a little brighter and softened her skin with texture and clarity. 

This photoshoot was taken at my school. We had a studio day so I decided to take some pictures. This photoshoot was inspired by Pinterest. I was looking at some inspiration on pinterest. I just searched up “colorful lights photography” and a lot of inspiration pictures popped up so I wanted to try it. My subject matter is Andy. She was my model in this photoshoot. It was taken at 9:30 am and I used studio lighting and I used colored gels to get the red and pink and different colors. Mrs. Perry helped me cut some paper and make a horizontal line through it so the light could be horizontal on the person's face. I used blue, purple, pink, hot pink and orange gels to get the colors I got.  For the editing process I overexposed it a little because they were a little dark and I also smoothed out her face with texture and clarity. 

For this photoshoot, I went to Balboa Park with my sisters. We used color powder for this photoshoot and we were at 2 different locations. We went to the walls that had some paintings on them and took some pictures there and we went to the rose garden and also took some pictures there. There was diffused lighting because the sun was already setting and it was somewhat cloudy. My subject matter was my sisters. For the first pictures, my sister tried to throw powder on my other sister to capture the powder being thrown at her and to capture her facial expressions. I also got some inspiration from Pinterest and from my teacher. I wanted some pictures of all my sisters individually and a few of all or two of them together. After they threw powder at each other at the murals, we decided to head to the rose garden and just put some on their face instead of throwing it and I took pictures of them like that. This photoshoot was a challenge because I never took pictures with color powder but overall I had fun, my sisters had fun and I think I did a good job despite the fact that I had never used color powder before.

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For this project, I chose to use a picture of my sister on the beach because it showed her side profile and I thought it was a good picture for this because the tutorial that I watched also had a picture of someone’s side profile. I chose the picture of the beach because my sister loves the beach and any place that has water. I also chose that landscape picture because she said it made her feel peaceful and at ease. I chose a grayish background and I placed the landscape embedded and blended it out with the eraser tool. This project was a little difficult because I had never tried blending a picture and a landscape like that but I think it turned out good. 

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